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What is it?

Immunotherapy is a preventive treatment for allergic reactions to substances 

targets the specific cause of allergic disease

cures allergic disease instead of masking symptoms

prevents allergic disease from progressing into more complex & chronic illnesses

100 % natural & organic

The Process

Identify Your Allergies

With our 78-antigen panels that are tailored to your area of the country, you can find out exactly which allergens are causing your symptoms. Our panels feature molds, animal danders, weeds, grasses, tree pollens, and 30 foods

Get Custom Treatment

Our program provides every patient with a custom serum that is specified to their allergy test results, history, symptoms, and lifestyle needs. The serum is natural, organic, and sourced from natural materials found in nature

Target the Source, Find the Cure

There are many medicines that mask the classical symptoms of allergies. Immunotherapy, however, is the only option that targets the source of the problem and can achieve a cure for your allergic disease

Prevent Further Illnesses

Not only does immunotherapy treatment cure the disease that causes your symptoms, but it also prevents the allergic disease from developing into more complex and often chronic illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis.

Save Time & Money

With our program, you can save money by having a decreased need for medicines, fewer physician visits, receiving specialist care in a primary office. There is also the added convenience with the option for home immunotherapy, conducted in the comfort of your own home.

Girl in the Fields
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